Just Me
Just Me

Some facts about me. πŸ€“πŸ§

Yes, jumping right in... ever since I was young I've had body issues. πŸ₯΄πŸ₯ΊπŸ€«

I've always been on the smaller, thinner, side.Β 

Small breasted. I have a birthmark on my arm (hemangioma) that I HATED as a child.Β 

The dark circles around my eyes, because of my low iron.

As a child, you cry, wonder why others make fun of you. Say such mean things. But, then we grow up & maybe forget some of those things/ words.

Then, maybe we don't.Β 

It takes time, energy,Β  love and peace to break through all the bricks we build around ourselves, for protection.

Hard to believe, those brick walls can also suffocate us.

The only TRUE time I felt beautiful in my skin, was during my pregnancies.Β  Bringing life into this world is wonderful & I felt just that.

Then, the body changes came. I accepted the changes I knew I couldn't do anything about. My πŸ… stripes πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™, & my extra skin😏.

And, not until now, have I been able to look at myself in the mirror & START to like what I see physically.Β 

Now, what I see and feel inside, is still a work in progress.

And I'm ok with that.Β