Where can I start...

Usually the beginning,  is the right place,  but I don't know where that is. 

I'm 2 years into this new life and and have no idea who I am or where I am. 

I wake up everyday knowing things have to get done & magically they get done. 

Amazing how you find out who your real family and friends are. 

Yes,  family. Sadly.  

Through therapy I have learned some people do not know how to deal with loss; but I have zero tolerance for excuses. 

I think it's a cop out.

It takes 2 minutes to check on someone who is hurting. 

Trying to rebuild yourself when you feel soulless,  alone,  full of guilt, is the most difficult thing ever. 

The zest I had 3 yrs ago for my workouts,  dancing,  going out,  has left me. 

Time to get me back. 

Unless you're with me walk beside me, if not move the fuck out of my way. 

Because 2020 it's my year.